
How to make a sm64 rom hack
How to make a sm64 rom hack

They’ve made some fantastic hacks of the original title, adding famous Nintendo characters and a few of their own into the mix. Still, even though we thought this classic title could never be improved on, the modding community ended up proving us wrong.

how to make a sm64 rom hack

The game’s a bona fide legend, for crying out loud, and the first ever 3D Mario game we ever got our grubby little paws on.

how to make a sm64 rom hack

When it comes to N64 games, few are as influential or as downright amazing as Super Mario 64. Still, I am Italian and know a bit about plumbing… that still counts, right? It’s a me, Mario, and welcome to the best Super Mario 64 ROM hacks of all time!

How to make a sm64 rom hack